Amid all the doom and gloom about the Coronavirus outbreak, here is some positive news. 

If you are considering some form of home-working for your employees, a Business Management System (BMS), built on our Isoma software, can help you reduce the risks and improve the productivity of that. 

Here’s how.

Risk Management

Workplace interactions account for 80% of all knowledge sharing, so when those interactions stop, such as through home working, employees may need to be reminded of where they can go to find the single source of the truth.  An Isoma BMS is that single source and provided you allow your employees access to it from home, they should have everything they need to perform their desk-related tasks consistently and effectively.

Staff Training & Induction

New employees are particularly at risk from home working since they may have insufficient competence and confidence to work alone effectively.  But all staff can use homeworking as an effective time to learn new skills and turn dead time into productive time.  Here your BMS can help in several ways.

  1. By linking critical training information, such as instructional videos, engineering diagrams and task guides to the process activities in your BMS, you can enable staff to teach themselves how to undertake a particular job or familiarise themselves with a new process.
  2. By linking competence and confidence testing, such as that provided by Cognisco, our learning & development partner, you can measure how effective that training has been.  
  3. Through both of the above, you can enable home time to become much more productive for all staff: so that when they return to work, they do so with new skills under their belts.

Customer & Regulatory Audits

Under normal circumstances, if you are not on site, it may be difficult to provide critical information, such as up-to-date configuration management processes to customers or to share compliance information with auditors.  Our Isoma Enterprise and Isoma Auditor modules allow you to do both in a totally secure way and since we now offer per-use charging for these, no additional Isoma licences are required.  You just use the modules as and when you need them.

And with our Isoma Choir BMS-in-a-Box offering, we can have your business up and running with a customised BMS in a just a jiffy.

So if you are considering some form of home-working for your employees, an out-of-the-box Business Management System (BMS), built on our Isoma software, can help you reduce the risks and improve the productivity of that – almost instantly.

These are challenging times but the solutions to some of the practical Coronavirus issues can really be quite simple and quick. We are here to help. If you need would like any further information, guidance or any other form of support to help you build an effective BMS, please do get in touch.